Thursday 8 January 2015

Oh great.

Hmmmm , Like finally my common cold and flu have finally recovered. As i can't take it anyone , in the morning when i woke up , i wasn't able to breath properly and i was having a bad cough. The feeling of the cough is like : My chest muscle is going to be tear apart. So i decided to visit the family clinic again and seek medical attention , after a few check up , jab and medication. My flu is feeling much much better and the cough is suppressing with the help of the cough syrup that i was given. Yesterday was really a sick day as my body was aching and running on a low fever and i didn't have the energy to blog so i decided today would be better as i had quite a interesting day. First i was told that i there would be a package from US which sent by someone and i would receive sooner or later hahaha and secondly i get to catch my favorite movie (Taken) in the local cinema of Singapore - Cathay Cinema and i got to watch it in Suite Cinema as someone invited me to do a review of the movie with her so i accompanied her to watch the movie and tried out the dishes there and the service there is excellent. Hmmmm You don't have to fly first class to experience this feeling. Just visit Cathay Platinum suite and catch the movie there to experience a whole new movie style , hmmmm where was i again? Yeah! I remember i was talking about the movie it's awesome and fantastic as the guy who said this " i don't know who are you , but i will find you and i will kill you" I was my parent had that skill as it would be cool and i feel safe with them. Anyways trust me the movie is worth to watch and do watch it with your friend or anyone you can get hold of. And great there is a pimple coming out on my right cheek of my face Hias.... But anyways I hold everyone day was awesome as it already 8 days of the year and everything seem going well for me and how about you? If you are doing well great job , keep on doing what make's you happy but if you are feeling weird or upset. I would want you to put down whatever you are doing now and go out for a distress period for yourself! Ignore what's boring you just go shop , run , play or even scream but just don't scream out of the sudden in the public hahahaha Anyway i hope everyone would start a new beginning and enjoy what's around you. >.<

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